Jeni Browne, Sales Director at Mortgages for Business

Success Story

This time last year, I was told by the MD, that I would be getting coaching, and that it would start in a couple of weeks time.  That was it.  So I had no idea what to expect, particularly as I had never had coaching before, and being brutally honest, thought it sounded like a bit of a waste of time.

I have just finished a year of working with Nin and my view on coaching has changed dramatically.

Over the last 12 months, Nin has helped me to become stronger, more self aware and introspective, and conduct myself with authority.  She has helped me to find my voice when dealing not only with those who work for me, but in the board room.  She has helped me understand financials, business structures, marketing models and management styles.

I have found and tamed my chimp, I have embraced admitting failure with black box thinking, and I know which 7 habits I need to embrace to be successful.

But most of all, Nin has truly understood me as an individual and us as a business. She has supported me though a tough year and even helped me through some personal matters.

I now get it.  Coaching, with Nin, at least, really has shown me how important it is, to have someone whose only agenda is to make you better, challenge you, support you and call you out when you are wrong. I genuinely believe that I have been on a journey this year, and I am remarkably better for it.